“Placenta? I ain’t eating that!”

If you went to your family’s cookout and told your granny that you were planning to eat your placenta, would the dj stop the music? LMAO. Granny sitting there trying not to choke on the damn potato salad cause you said some shit about ingesting your placenta.

Honestly, until about 3-4 years ago I never heard of black people using their placenta for its benefits. That was always some white people shit to me. But… per usual, they gentrified Chinese medicine too.

Before I get all into all of the things, maybe I should tell you what a placenta is, right? If you are having a baby, you likely already know what it is but may not be in the know of what all it does.

The placenta is a temporary fetal organ that connects the mama (or birthing person) to the baby. It is full of so many antibodies that hormones are crucial for growth and development. A Lot of people refer to the placenta as the “Tree of Life” because it literally resembles a tree. The umbilical cord is what connects the placenta to your baby. Oxygen, glucose, antibodies against diseases, a waste removal system, and nutrients are filtered by the umbilical cord as blood passes from mother through the placenta. So, it’s pretty important. 

Placenta encapsulation has such great benefits, yall. Do you need me to list them?

  • Speeds up your postpartum recovery

  • Restores reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone (cause it drops after birth)

  • Prevents anemia

  • Enhances breast milk supply

  • Helps prevents baby blues & postpartum depression

  • Feel more energized and less fatigued

Remember also… if you are vegan, you can still consume your placenta. Most people are vegan due to animal rights and the killing/torture of animals. However, the placenta supplies life. But, like I always say : I support choices.

You know our grannies n shit were not about to take placenta pills LMAO. Cause who?! And you may feel the same way which is cool. There are so many other things you can do with your placenta rather than consuming it. You would be amazed at the importance of placentas in different cultural backgrounds around the world. Make sure you keep an open mind and do what is necessary for YOU. Everything ain’t for everybody.


However, if you are in need of more information or interested in this service, please feel free to book a consultation with me!


Your Doula 


Deck the Halls with Healthy Babies ; Holiday Inductions


My Village